Branding Without Boundaries.
Achieve show-stopping results in no time with a template that’s designed a little differently. Because we believe a mockup template shouldn’t take up all your time or restrict your ideas, Meiji Pro was created to produce beautiful results while being fun, fast and flexible. Say goodbye to rigid mockups and say hello to creative freedom, all within Photoshop.
Meiji Pro comes with a full instructional video which you can view below.
You’ll learn everything you need to know about the template and how it works,
so you can get started creating incredible mockups right away!
Dazzle With
Your Details.
Unlock your greatest designs yet with the freedom of a 4000 x 4000 px canvas with photographically captured high-resolution textures and shadows. Create safely knowing your Meiji Pro mockups will look stunning at any size.
Effortless Effects.
Mix and match photorealistic metallic, holographic foil stamping, spot UV gloss, vellum tracing paper, emboss and letterpress effects just by placing your design in the appropriate smart object layers.
Use one, use some, or use them all at the same time.
With Meiji Pro, you have complete creative freedom to experiment with realistic premium print effects, with results that are perfect for your portfolio.