Kessho II

See Your Mockups
In A New Light. (Again).

Our best-selling Kessho light overlays are back with more refractive goodness.


Frequently Asked Questions


What do you get?


Contains 16 High Resolution Light Overlays in PNG format plus instructions in PDF format.


How do I use them?


Just drag or load the overlay onto your mockup in Photoshop, adjust the size to fit your canvas and then change the blending mode to Linear Light. You can use the Levels tool or Curves to adjust the intensity of the overlay to suit your image if you want. That’s it!


Can I adjust the intensity of these overlays?


Yes, you can adjust the intensity of the overlay as required by adjusting the Output Levels in the Levels tool.


Can I use these in programs other than Adobe Photoshop like Affinity or Canva?


These overlays are PNG files so they should load into most image editing software programs, however they use the Linear Light blending mode in order to create the effect of light and shadow. That means your program will need to support a similar blending mode to this, which you may need to double check first!


Can I include these with my app?


Yes, of course! Please feel free to contact us anytime to discuss custom usage and app licensing.