Perpendicular Inhabitation

Crosswalk Monsoon


Perpendicular Inhabitation


Scenes From A Train Window



Perpendicular Inhabitation

I'm Kwame Bruce Busia, better known as "Bruce," the artist and creative mind behind Studio Yorktown. As a generative artist with architectural beginnings, I use code to explore my creativity and discover the potential of web3 for art. My work combines simple visuals with thought-provoking ideas, embodying my belief in simple, strong concepts, harmonious color, proportion, and meticulous attention to detail. I create art to connect with others, having had my work exhibited at prestigious events like Art Basel Miami, as well as renowned digital galleries worldwide, such as NEAL Digital Gallery. Alongside creating art, I develop high-quality tools and resources to help digital artists succeed along their creative journey.
Perpendicular Inhabitation
'Perpendicular Inhabitation' is a generative collection exploring the relationship between the urban landscape and the human experience, particularly feelings of nostalgia and more specifically anemoia,
the feeling of nostalgia for a time or place that we may not have actually experienced first hand.
「Perpendicular Inhabitation」は、都市景观と人間の経験との関係、特に懐かしさの感情、特に自分自身で体験したことのない時間や場所の懐かしさを感じる「アネモイア」を探求するジェネレーティブ・コレクションです。
Scenes From
A Train Window
'Scenes from a Train Window' is a generative art collection that captures both city life and countryside views seen from the perspective of a fast-moving train in Japan. The contrast between the peaceful charm of rural life and the vibrant energy of the city is highlighted, invoking a sense of nostalgia and inviting viewers to reflect on the connections between tradition and modernity, personal goals, and happiness. The unique outputs blend calm beauty with lively urban environments, with some employing specific color palettes to intensify the feeling of nostalgia.
'Tesseract' is a generative collection drawing on the concept of the cube from oneirology, the interpretation of dreams. In many mythologies and fields of study, the square is considered a 'perfect shape', thus with its abstraction into three isometric dimensions, the cube is seen by some as a representation of the various aspects of the human condition.
'Sabler', an anagram of 'Albers', is a generative homage to the work of the Bauhaus textile artist Anni Albers.
The aesthetic of this piece and its proportions are guided by the Golden Ratio (1.618 : 1) and as such, each part of the composition relates in some way to its larger self.
As lines playfully extend and overlap one another from various grid segments, patterns appear, 'ghost' shadings emerge and complexity is implied even with the use of very simple elements. In line with that simplicity, colors and palettes have also been kept to a minimum.
「Sabler」は、「Albers」のアナグラムであり、バウハウスの織物アーティストAnni Albersの作品に敬意を表した生成物です。
この作品の美学と比率は、黄金比(1.618 : 1)によって指導され、構成のすべての部分はそれ自身の大きなものと関連しています。 色んなグリッドセグメントから線が遊び心をもって延び重なり合っていると、パターンが現れ、「幽霊」のシェーディングが現れ、単純な要素を使っても複雑さが暗示されます。その簡素さに沿って、色やパレットも最小限に保ちました。
'Lebras' is a generative art collection inspired by the design work of Bauhaus textile artists such as Gunta Stölzl, Anni and Josef Albers. The collection combines the proportions of the Silver Ratio (1.414:1) and Golden Ratio (1.618:1) to form a versatile five-column grid that allows for unique compositions. By utilizing repetition, material, balance, and overlaps, a near-endless variety of designs are created, ranging from ultra-minimal to rhythmic and textural. The collection features four fabric types, further enhancing the authenticity of the textile quality in the outputs.
「Lebras」は、Gunta Stölzl、AnniおよびJosef Albersなどのバウハウスのテキスタイルアーティストのデザイン作品からインスピレーションを受けたジェネラティブアートコレクションです。このコレクションでは、シルバー比率(1.414:1)とゴールデン比率(1.618:1)の比率を組み合わせて、多目的な5列グリッドが作成され、ユニークな構成が可能です。繰り返し、素材、バランス、オーバーラップなどを利用して、超ミニマルなデザインからリズミカルでテクスチャーのあるものまで、ほぼ無限のバリエーションのデザインを生成します。また、4つのファブリックタイプが用意されており、アウトプットのテキスタイル感をさらに向上させています。
This generative art collection represents alleles, alternative versions of specific genes, through simple arrangements of squares that evoke endless interpretations. Some see DNA strands, atoms, or cells, while others see the hereditary instructions that make us unique. The accompanying generative genetic report deepens the connection between the viewer and the artwork, inviting us to imagine the intricate dance between genes and how they may manifest themselves in our personalities. At its core, this collection is a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of genetics and a celebration of the diversity that makes each of us unique.
Crosswalk Monsoon
"Crosswalk Monsoon" is a product of my playful experimentation with the "Sabler" algorithm. By modifying the code, I achieved a result that significantly diverges from my usual grid-based and precisely controlled works. This collection relinquishes my control over proportions, angles, and positioning, allowing the computer to make more choices. This departure from my usual approach helped me recognize my growth as a generative artist by pushing me beyond my comfort zone.
This generator is named 'Ichigo' (苺/ いちご), the Japanese word for 'strawberry'.
Seeing each iteration from a suitable distance, small dots (to me, reminiscent of strawberry seeds) overlay different sequences of geometric repetitions, implying a sense of texture, grittiness and irregularity.
By looking closer however, it becomes apparent to the viewer that the majority of the composition is in fact government by orderly elements, in this case grids of dot